Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Fact of the Day

The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am curious. I am always "that wife" when I go to functions with the other spouses....not that I feel out of place, but when everyone sits down to talk about how long they were in labor, the baby, contractions, etc....I get annoyed. I don't mean to be rude, I am just asking. Has anyone experienced this [before]?

When I get together with the ladies, someone, somehow, the conversation always turns to kids.....I don't have kids, honestly it's not too interesting to me, I don't mean it rude, and I try to change the subject to a "common" ground subject, but it's always back to the kids....It has limited me in how long I stay at function, etc....cause it's like I don't want to be rude and say "you know, I have heard about your kids/delivery/pregnancy/etc too many times....." but I would like to chat about things that are more interesting to me....

I don't know, I have noticed this more amongst military spouses, and I hate to put a "title" on anyone, and this doesn't apply to ALL MILITARY SPOUSES, but it's like being a mother is all is expected of you---not that THAT'S bad, cause I want to be a mother one day too, but it's like being a mother, staying at home all the time is the norm----if you work and don't have kids, YOU ARE the odd one's like being mommy and not doing anything for yourself professionally or educationally is 'expected'.

I see the military spouse as a 'dependent'.....I really think the military loves that A LOT of the "wives" are literally DEPENDENT upon their military spouse. I don't feel that I am, and for me, the term dependent is kinda strange... I DO think there are wives that depend on their husbands and DON'T contribute the the family in any way (mother/worker/clean/etc)--for those, I feel sorry for the kids and the husband. I understand if you have issues that impede you from working(serious issues like young young children/health/etc) but I am sick of the complaining about money when the person complaining DOESN'T work....they don't contribute financially to the bank account. [I said FINANCIALLY, I know wives contribute...]

Everything is a choice, so having 2 kids under the age of 5 back to back is YOUR CHOICE, so don't blame your husband for not making enough money, don't bitch about not having enough money when you get WIC, when you don't pay for your house cause you get BAH, etc.......It's just irritates me....essssspecially when you are pissed about money and you say "I hate the military"--excuse me? The military provides and pays for your free milk/juice/cheese, etc, your HOME, your medical, your gas when you go places (within reason)...get real! And shut your mouth when he's gone.....he could be on a air craft carrier, out 8 could ALWAYS be worse. If you didn't want a husband away for a month here, 3 weeks here, back and forth, then you shouldn't have marry a man in the service---don't marry him then bitch about the "cons" later. We all know what it's like when the hubby is gone on deployment, it's not fun, and we wish he was hope, but stop griping, it makes you look like a lost puppy. Embrace it as distance makes the heart grow aren't having to work 70+ hours a week to feed your kids, he be thankful and stop winning. It's rude and annoying!

Oh no, here comes the backlash....this is in no way a reflection of EVERY Military spouse (wife) I meet, I just have to vent to someone, and my husband doesn't want to hear it. And I can't talk to most of the women down here about it, cause, well, that's why I am writing this. I know I am a loner and may be perceived as "anti social"; it's not that, it's just that going to a 3 year old birthday party is not something I really want to do. I don't mean it to be rude, I just don't have young ones, I don't want to go to a kids party...and I don't feel offended if I am not invited: I don't have children. I guess I have dug my grave, but I feel like I am the odd duck (not shocked or uncomfortable) just kinda over being subjected to events or get togethers where I hear about babies all night long, No grassy-ass.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Change Your World
By Brian Tracy

You cannot change the world, but you can present the
world with one improved person, yourself.

You can go to work on yourself to make yourself into
the kind of person you admire and respect.

You can become a role model and set a standard for others.

You can control and discipline yourself to resist acting or
speaking in a negative way toward anyone for any reason.

You can insist upon always doing things the loving way,
rather than the hurtful way.

By doing these things each day, you can continue on your
journey toward becoming an exceptional human being.

Sum it up for ya!

“Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare
their achievements with those of other people”-Nido Qubein

If you can't be a good friend and be happy, I mean genuine happiness in your heart, for your "friends" then get out.....

If you want to compare everything to me, then get out...I don't have time for that. I don't' care about your education level, how much money you make, what rank your husband is, how long he's been in, how much HE makes, what kind of car you drive...but somehow these things are SO important to you that you have to bring them up.

If you don't have enough self confidence to believe in yourself, be happy for yourself and be PROUD of who you are, how can I help that, how do I help lift you up? My words of encouragement and uplifting are shot down, and after a while it get's old and I don't want to be the one you "lean on"...

I don't feel sorry for people, nor myself. You won't be the best at everything, the prettiest, or the richest-that's reality. So stop feeling sorry for your situation, and step up.

If you feel at the bottom of your game, then to me, you have one way to go, and that's UP! Now start looking up, and BELIEVING grateful for compliments and stop downing yourself, it's annoying.

I am just so sick of hearing all these women my age piss and moan about their "lack of money" "their kids" "their jacked car" "their this and that"...and then COMPARING it to all their other "lady friends"....sheesh. Then when I try to be nice, it's me being bitchy cause 'you don't understand' I guess I don't.

I guess I like to be happy and be grateful for the things in my life. I guess I understand that life doesn't give you everything you WANT. That things in life have to be earned. You have work hard for things, no one is just going to give you something cause they feel sorry for you.

Reality is REAL. If you want something, here's a concept, go work for it, go get it, go after it! Stop bitching about it and get it!

---just thought I give a little piece of my mind and some tough love to myself and whomever read this....if you got offended, my bad, you don't have to read this. It's not to offend, it's to inform...and maybe give me some release too.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Saying I Read

I read this today, and it needs to be read by so many....especially the weak in soul who like to point fingers, yell things they have no idea about, and make up false situations to better their side and hide their hurt and anger....It definitely made me think about the words I say, cause words, no matter who from, they mean something, and when they are accusations and untrue, they stick....they hurt, and they make me want to disprove the allegations and be a better person....That's what I am working on.

“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.”

I know some people in this life who showboat about being happy....when you showboat, usually it's the opposite about what you are "raving" about. Ignorance is bliss for those; they are oblivious to the truth and hurt of the real world; they are oblivious to the true nature of relationships--that truth, honesty, and a willingness to give up a piece of yourself is can't expect others to be the only ones to do that.

Comparing yourself to a friend also jeopardizes the relationship. It's taints the free love spirit that a true friendship is. How do you be a friend who always sees the bad in you, the "you're better then me" attitude? If your friend does something you don't like or you don't understand; ask, don't blame, cause it ruins what ever could have been.

Anyways, just something happened the other day that made me think of this, and I got an email from a old friend about being happy, with scriptures and such, with the saying, about blame. It made me want to write about it; get my feelings and thoughts out on it.....just my stuff....take it as you will.