I was reading this email I got from a friend and decided to share it with all the people who read this (does anyone actually read my blogs?). It's about deciding to be happy in your life, and how to get to that state of happiness when you feel there is not hope left. Recently some stuff I have encountered has urged me to put this out here for all of those people who sometimes feel like they have gotten the raw end of the stick on life.
"Being happy isn't easy when your expectations and your dreams didn't come true. We go through life hoping for one thing, but then we have to face something different. What do you do if you aren't happy with your life right now? How do you change how you feel or how to deal with circumstances (good or bad)? Everyone has to face life the way it is. We can't always choose what we don't want. Most of us want good happy things to happen to us and.... everyone wants to be happy.
Maybe you don't feel happy because you feel hopeless and gave up trying? It takes a lot of courage to believe in certain ideas and have certain beliefs. Maybe you are tired from life the way it is and it what you do or don't get in return? You are not alone in those feelings. Many people go through life experiencing something similar, or these similar emotions. Maybe it happened to you because you need to learn from this and help others. Maybe you go through this because it really has some meaning to it...a life experience.... Or maybe you go trough this because it will lead you to something else, to something better?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to know why we live this life and why we aren't always happy...Start your day with realization you aren't alone in this world. Rely on your friends and relatives or anyone who wants to support you and encourage you, stick around them, let them know you appreciate their encouragement.
If you don't have anyone to talk to and get emotional support, talk to God. If you believe in Jesus, talk to him, read the Bible and you will have a feeling that you aren't alone. You will find a friend that always listens, and always guides you. If you want, talk to people you might not know so well, meet as many people as you can and maybe you will find someone you can relate to and feel happier.
Happiness is just a feeling and a state of mind. Decide to be happy everyday. Tell yourself you feel good every morning. Listen to your favorite music and get relaxed. Enjoy life as much as you can, only you know what you want. Only you can change your attitude, only you!
Start to believe each day is a wonderful day and feel good about it, about being alive. Appreciate what you have and help others who are like you. Connect to people and try again and again until you achieve a certain happiness. If nothing really makes you happy anymore, it's okay to grieve, maybe you had a lot of hopes and dreams and not everything turned out the way you wanted. Accept what it is. Many of us spend so much time feeling grief and anger, instead of accepting a situation and go with a flow. Accept your life the way it is and try to improve what you can."
I think it is pertinent to decide to be happy....cause if you wake up depressed and sad, you will only continue to feel depressed and sad, and even though it may be tough, there are people who rely on you and need you....so you have to sometimes just suck it up and decide you own 'attitude' in life, or, for that day. Complaining about your life won't make it better, it won't make people like you more; it probably will, in fact, so the opposite.
Decide how you are going to face the day when you wake up, decide to be happy to be alive, to be healthy, to have a home, to have kids, to have a husband/wife, to have family, to live in a free nation, be thankful and mean it, and maybe your mind will allow you to be happy, cause it's a choice being made, a choice to be unhappy and it only creates dividends in your life.
Sometimes things just don't go the way we plan, soooo, we have to stand up, wipe away the tears and truck on. Everyone has struggles in their lives, some bigger then others...but.....Life is full of lessons' it's how we deal with those lessons, and our attitude about those lessons that will make us a better and more happy person to BE and to BE AROUND.